Site icon Leisure Village, Camarillo

Does Leisure Village provide transportation in and around Leisure Village?

Leisure Village is an active senior community and therefore does NOT provide transportation to its residents within the community. Residents either walk, bike, drive, (both fuel and electric vehicles) or some combination of each to get around in this active community. The city of Camarillo does provide free bus service for the fixed route service to Leisure Village residents and the bus passes through Leisure Village on the two main roads.  The city also provides a Dial-A-Ride service at a discounted rate to seniors.

Transportation Services For The Elderly

The City provides general public dial-a-ride service to everyone in Camarillo. Dail-a-ride is a door to door service. All of the dial-a-ride vehicles are equipped for wheelchairs. Service is provided to all destinations within the city limits. The fare is $1.50 for a one way trip for seniors and the disabled, $2.00 for adults and students. The City provides same day service with a minimum 2 hour notice. For more information, or to reserve a ride, please call 988-4228.

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