When you get the listing, how are you going to market the home? Remember, the homeowner wants to sell their property for the most amount of money in the least bit of time. What are you going to do to make this happen?
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Many homeowners don’t know what staging is or how valuable it is when selling a house. If you use a professional stager, be sure to express the importance of this preparation.
Professional Photos
Many property photos are awful. In fact, there is a website devoted to showcasing bad real estate photography. If you use a professional photographer, be sure to let the homeowner know. In fact, you may want to link to photos from your past listings.
Virtual Tour
Do you create virtual tours to give prospective buyers a feel for the house before setting a viewing appointment? Share this and even link to examples of your virtual tours.
Open Houses
Not every agent take the time to hold open houses. If you do, make sure you let the potential client know.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla porttitor diam at lectus sodales, id aliquet risus consectetur. Mauris ligula enim, aliquet a erat a, scelerisque blandit arcu.
Where on the internet do your listings appear? Trulia? Realtor.com? Maybe your part of a national brand with high traffic websites? Homeowners what to see that the agent they hire can harness the power of the web.
Get Listing by email Email
Do you use email campaigns as a marketing channel. Maybe you use a service like MailChimp to blast to all of your past clients or others in your sphere of influence? Share the size of your email list and campaign frequency with the homeowner.
Yes, there are still print marketing avenues that are used in the digital age. They may not be as effective as they once were, they still impress homeowners. Do you or your broker post homes in the local paper? How about distributing listing flyers through the homeowner’s neighborhood?
Property search MLS
This is a given for most agents, but it still needs to be stated and even explained. What is the Multiple Listing Service? Why does it help sell a property quickly?